Thursday, January 03, 2008

Joel Update- January 2008

So Joel is now 19 months. This is such a fun age. He keeps us laughing at the things he comes up with. His latest thing is when you ask him a question he will stop and say, "ummmmmmmm, yes". It never gets old. He's just so funny. He also loves praying. Yes, praying. He makes sure we never forget a blessing on our food or before bed.
Joel is such a good big brother. He is SO sweet with Vance. He loves giving him kisses and plays with him. He loves giving him his pacifier and making Vance smile. He gives Vance hugs and Vance just loves watching Joel play. It will be so fun when they're finally able to play together.
Joel is also getting pretty good at putting together puzzles. He got a leapfrog animal match up toy from cousin Emma and Matthew. He loves it and is getting pretty good at finding the right animal matches. He likes his new blocks that he got for Christmas and is getting pretty good at building with them. He also is loving being home and visiting Grandpa and Molly. His new thing is that he loves to ride anything. His train, his friend's bike, Molly, whatever. He's so funny. Luckily Molly is patient with him. We may have a cowboy on our hands. lol

Hanging out with some friends. Thanks Denise!

Riding the rocking horse at Grandma Monies.

Talking on the phone with Grandpa.
Yes, he's obsessed with phones.
Where does he get that?! lol

His shock and amazement at Santa.
He didn't want anything to do with Santa.
Maybe next year.

Helping Dado hold up the wall at the science


Andrea said...

I can't believe how big Vance is. Babies grow way too fast. Those pics your sister took are so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Cute shots Manda! I just updated my blog and added your blog addy on there, hope you don't mind! ;0) Hugs, Christie