He has discovered his tongue and thinks it's funny to chew on it. He's also learned how to bounce. It's pretty amusing. His newest noise this week is grunting~ although it's not just limited to when he's filling his diaper. He's getting really strong too. Toys he couldn't push or pull on two weeks ago he now has no problem with. It's pretty surreal.
Anyhow, here are some pics from this week.
Joel's favorite teethers right now are carrots.
Of course once his teeth finally cut he won't be able to use
those but for now he loves them.
Hanging Out Watching Momma.
It's kind of nice because he is actually getting preferences.
And right now he seems to prefer momma.
It's fun now but I don't think it will take long for the novelty to wear off.

It's kind of nice because he is actually getting preferences.
And right now he seems to prefer momma.
It's fun now but I don't think it will take long for the novelty to wear off.
Joel is getting really strong.
He'll now pull himself up when he's laying propped against pillows.
He also will lean down to pick stuff up when he's standing in your
lap and then pull himself back to standing. It's pretty fun!
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